December 2016

2016 Reflection

Can you believe Christmas is now over and it’s almost 2017?!  So its time for some reflection.  I want to say a big thank you for showing our small brand so much support.  It really does make a huge impact when you shop consciously from small, quality businesses that are doing good for the world. […]

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Self Care
shea butter

Shea Butter

Ingredient Spotlight: Shea Butter Shea butter is one of those ingredients you see listed in nearly every beauty product nowadays. In your shampoo, in your body moisturiser … it seems like a ‘buzz’ ingredient but is it really worth the hype? What is it even?! Shea butter is a solid fatty oil that comes from

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get glowing skin with blueberry cookies

Glowing Skin Blueberry and Almond Cookies

Do you want glowing skin?  Blueberry and almonds are the perfect ingredients.  Bursting with phytonutrients, antioxidants and all the skin-loving, collagen-boosting goodness you can imagine!   So naturally, it makes sense to eat and enjoy these healthy delicacies in the form of delicious healthy cookies. Plus, kids love them! These also make perfect little affordable

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Dangers of Sunscreen

Is Sunscreen Dangerous to Your Health?

Is Sunscreen Dangerous to Your Health? Everybody knows that sun safety during the warmer months is of the utmost importance. UVB and UVA rays can cause irreversible damage to our skin and bring about undesirable signs of premature ageing, all the way to serious sunburn and in severe cases melanomas.  Everybody needs sunscreen. But the

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In The Spotlight