Greener Living

string bag with vegetables

10 eco-friendly DIY tips for a more sustainable lifestyle

So we’ve been writing about living a more organic, natural and sustainable lifestyle at Green Foot Mama for well over a decade now.  And we’ve definitely learned a lot as our little ones have grown into bigger ones! Its easy to forget how much has changed over the past 12 years of living a slower, […]

two children in a field

7 Tips To Raise Eco-Friendly Kids!

Enjoy these practical tips for raising eco-friendly kids and nurturing a sustainable future. From organic food choices to embracing hand-me-downs and reducing carbon footprint, we’ll dive into the details of sustainable parenting. Even making small changes can make a big difference for our families and the planet. When we raise eco-conscious kids, we’re giving them

Lemons and a container of home made cleaning spray.

Enjoy a Healthier Home With Green Cleaning

Why should you create a healthier home with green cleaning?  Every mama dreams of creating a safe haven for her children. A place they can grow, learn, and play.  A sanctuary free from the hidden dangers lurking in corners and under beds.   But what if the products we trust to keep our homes clean are

zero waste hair removal

Zero Waste Hair Removal

I’ve heard a few conversations about how we’re managing our “grooming” over the past few weeks as stay-at-home-working-homeschooling mothers, with beauty salons shut down due to COVID-19 restrictions. In my 20’s I used to go to a salon for occasional waxing.  As time became more precious and prices crept up I started DIY waxing at home.

tips for a greener christmas

7 Tips for a greener Christmas

Television, newspapers and magazines display images of what the ‘perfect’ Christmas looks like. Shops are packed with Christmas decorations and gifts and the message is to buy now or miss out. It’s not even December yet. In fact the message to spend on Christmas starts the minute Halloween is over. It is more important than

Children blowing out candles on birthday cake

How to Throw an Eco Birthday Party for Children

Concerned by all the waste involved in throwing a birthday party for your little one?   Green enthusiast Will H. Sandford shares some ideas for throwing an eco birthday party to leave a greener footprint.

7 Truths About Pre-Loved Shopping

Do you hate shopping for clothes?  I do. The shops are full of “fast fashion” where the latest styles are available for low prices for just a few weeks before being replaced by new items.  It makes my head spin!

If you’re looking for a more sustainable alternative, pre-loved clothing might be the way to go.

bulk buying eco friendly

Why Bulk Buying is Eco-Friendly

You probably already know that buying in bulk usually means cost savings.  Shops typically offer discounts and cheaper prices per unit when you purchase a higher quantity.  However, bulk buying is not only economical – it’s eco-friendly as well.

Here are a few reasons to buy in bulk and help contribute to saving our environment.

Eliminate plastic

7 Essential Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste 

With so many of us used to the convenience of plastic, did you know that humans have now produced more in the last 10 years than we did in the whole of last century? In Australia alone, 10 million plastic bags are used a day. Our overuse of plastic is causing alarming amounts of pollution worldwide.

Growing and using your own herbs

Growing and Using Herbs in Your Kitchen

Growing your own kitchen herbs benefits you in the long run, since you save both money and time – and enjoy the convenience of fresh herbs exactly when you need them. It is also a great way to involve your children in preparing a meal (and convincing them to eat it).