Green Foot Mama Blog Archive

7 Tips To Raise Eco-Friendly Kids!

7 Tips To Raise Eco-Friendly Kids!

Enjoy these practical tips for raising eco-friendly kids and nurturing a sustainable future. From organic food choices to embracing hand-me-downs and reducing carbon footprint, we’ll dive into the details of sustainable parenting. Even making small changes can...

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How To Get Rid Of Clutter For Good

How To Get Rid Of Clutter For Good

While we’re all guilty of forgetting to put items back where they belong, or shoving things back into an already over-flowing cupboard to hide away mess when guests are visiting, clutter is not something we should learn to live with. In fact, studies have found that...

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Enjoy a Healthier Home With Green Cleaning

Enjoy a Healthier Home With Green Cleaning

Why should you create a healthier home with green cleaning?  Every mama dreams of creating a safe haven for her children. A place they can grow, learn, and play.  A sanctuary free from the hidden dangers lurking in corners and under beds.   But what if the products we...

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3 Guilt-free Healthy Cracker Recipes

3 Guilt-free Healthy Cracker Recipes

With the amount of trans-fats, sugar and who knows what included in processed food, I like to make home-made crackers full of seeds and healthy fats for glowing skin.

Here are three simple and quick recipes to make crackers power packed with good nutrition for fuelling busy bodies and minds.

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Simple Tips to Improve Your Skin

Simple Tips to Improve Your Skin

Here are four simple tips for keeping the skin on your whole body as healthy and youthful looking as possible. You already know you should drink more water, avoid processed foods, and shelter from the sun to keep your skin healthy. Our skin is not just a covering for...

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Declutter Your Home, Declutter Your Mind

Declutter Your Home, Declutter Your Mind

Taking the time to declutter can make a real difference in your life and your mind. Let’s face it: sometimes, our homes (and lives) can be a mess and we don’t want to deal with it.  So we leave the mess, ignoring its existence, telling ourselves that we’ll get to it...

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7 Tips for a greener Christmas

7 Tips for a greener Christmas

Television, newspapers and magazines display images of what the ‘perfect’ Christmas looks like. Shops are packed with Christmas decorations and gifts and the message is to buy now or miss out. It’s not even December yet. In fact the message to spend on Christmas...

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Black Bean Chocolate Brownies Recipe

Black Bean Chocolate Brownies Recipe

Black Bean Chocolate Brownies sound weird, but I promise you, they’re delicious and LOVED by my daughter.  They’re full of healthy fats, vegetable protein and fibre, but also eggless and flourless. I’ve long soaked and cooked my own legumes to reduce...

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7 Truths About Pre-Loved Shopping

7 Truths About Pre-Loved Shopping

Do you hate shopping for clothes?  I do. The shops are full of “fast fashion” where the latest styles are available for low prices for just a few weeks before being replaced by new items.  It makes my head spin!

If you’re looking for a more sustainable alternative, pre-loved clothing might be the way to go.

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How to Decode Cosmetic Ingredient Labels

How to Decode Cosmetic Ingredient Labels

Do you read the ingredients of body care products before you buy? How do you decide which products contain undesirable ingredients and which don’t? Regulation in place to protect us in Australia also confuses things, making it harder to know what you’re putting on your body.

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Do You Know What You Are Putting On Your Body?

Do You Know What You Are Putting On Your Body?

These days, we all want to be better educated and use our spending power consciously.  We want to choose effective and safe products – for the better health of ourselves, our families, and the planet.  We know we should steer clear of parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals etc… but do we really know what they are?

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