September 2016

Kindfulness Daily Practice Will Change Your Life

About Kindfulness Kindness and Mindfulness: A Powerful Combination Ajahn Brahm‘s teachings on metta bhavana embody the essence of kindfulness. It’s about being mindful of our kindness. Intentionally cultivating it, and recognizing its transformative power in our lives. You know how important it is to be kind to your family, right? But what if you could […]

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Self Care, Videos

Balm Benefits More Than Skin Deep

Imagine this: Curling up somewhere soft and cosy, and falling asleep peacefully. While you sleep, the laundry and dirty dish fairies are busy at work. The dinner pixies are getting down to business. And the rest of the boring chore fairies are weaving their magic too. Meanwhile in your dream state, you are resting and

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Self Care, Wellness

9 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites Naturally

Millions of people worldwide are susceptible to disease-pathogens transmitted by mosquitoes. Here are 9 ways to avoid mosquito bites naturally – without the need for toxic chemical products. Introduction Changing climatic conditions are altering rainfall patterns and causing flooding and it’s no secret that mosquito-borne illness is on the rise.  It is so important to

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Greener Living