9 Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites Naturally

Millions of people worldwide are susceptible to disease-pathogens transmitted by mosquitoes.

Here are 9 ways to avoid mosquito bites naturally – without the need for toxic chemical products.


Changing climatic conditions are altering rainfall patterns and causing flooding and it’s no secret that mosquito-borne illness is on the rise.  It is so important to take measures to avoid mosquito-borne diseases.

In Australia, more than 5000 cases of both Ross River and Barmah viruses are reported each year.
Murray Valley Encephalitis occurs in the north-west of Australia, however it has also been located in the south east after flooding and heavy rainfall. Dengue Fever exists in Far North QLD, but there has been an increased number of local cases occurring after trips overseas to known mosquito-populated areas.

These viruses are not just debilitating but they also carry a wider risk to our long term heath. Combined with worries about the toxic effect DEET and other hazardous deterrents may have on our bodies – this very real issue carries many concerns.

Avoid mosquito-borne diseases naturally

We collated the top 9 recommendations for personal protection. These methods eliminate chemical exposure and reduce your chances of being bitten and affected.

  • avoid areas infested with large numbers of mosquitoes – wetlands, bushland and areas abundant with wildlife
  • avoid the mosquitos’ most active times of day – dusk and dawn
  • wear long, loose fitting clothing to reduce the number of bites you may receive
  • ensure all windows, doors and porches are adequately screened and secure
  • reduce any vessels around the home that may carry water and encourage mosquito breeding
  • use nets around beds both at home and whilst camping
  • use ceiling fans as they may reduce the frequency and activity of mosquitoes
  • apply a personal repellent before being exposed
  • other exterior methods such as zappers and coils may also reduce mosquito activity

There is much debate regarding repellents – the type, ingredients, efficacy and safety of each. To dig deeper and find out what the experts say, read more here.

Given it only takes one mosquito bite to transmit disease pathogens, it is crucial that even the natural steps for mosquito protection are implemented diligently.  We can keep our families safe by avoiding chemical repellents and reducing the risk of bites.

Our Organic Defence Balm bridges the gap between repellents and creating natural barriers to deter mosquitoes. Created for all skin types, our protective outdoor balm is safe for sensitive areas such as the face, and does not need to be washed from the skin.  Apply as often as required, it also doubles as a soothing massage balm for tired muscles.  A perfect companion for outdoor adventures!  You can learn more about the additional benefits of this natural outdoor warrior here.

Natural Relief for Mosquito Bites:

Living in a highly populated mosquito area for some years means that we have also experimented with ways in which to nurture bites. We love these ones.

  • apply apple cider vinegar to the affected area
  • lavender and tea tree essential oils provide relief
  • use a paste of baking soda and water on the affected area
  • cut a raw onion and place on the bite to immediately remove the pain
  • my Gran’s favourite – rub the area with the inside of a banana peel. (She also used to rub the banana peel on her teeth to whiten them…)

What do you do to avoid mosquito-borne diseases? What is your favourite method for treating bites?


(References: NSW Arborvirus Surveillance + Vector Monitoring Program)

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