Healing Winter Tea: An Heirloom Recipe

I felt the first cool chill of the year this week, and realised that I am well behind in my goals for 2016!  I had planned to launch two new products by this time, and although I won’t be ready to do that for a while, I have a special gift to share with you – Healing Winter Tea.

A few friends and loved ones have already suffered their first sniffles and snottiness for the season, and so I thought it is the perfect time to share one of my most treasured and secret family recipes for the most amazing winter tea ON EARTH!

This divine tea blend includes both thyme leaves and lavender flowers. These botanical beauties bring additional anti-bacterial and microbial properties, and aid expectoration for excess mucus.  This tea also boosts the production of white blood cells to help fight off harmful invaders, and boosts the immune system.

My gran used to make this for me when I was sick, and I have made an ocean’s worth of it myself for my daughters who have had their share of challenged immunity and illness. I am really excited to be able to share it with you also.

Brew this magical concoction up at the first sign of trouble, and you’ll be amazed at how soothing and fast acting this super-healing tea can be. I drink it full strength, however dilute with water if you prefer, or are giving to children.

This can be made ahead and stored in the fridge or frozen for use down the track. Put the kettle on and try this at home:

Healing Heirloom Winter Tea Recipe


– 2 teaspoons of finely grated ginger
– 2 teaspoons of finely minced garlic
– 1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers
– 1 teaspoon dried currants
– 1/2 x cinnamon stick
– 1-2 sprigs fresh thyme
– 1 teaspoon organic orange zest
– 2 x cups water, for boiling


Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan.  Pour in the 2 cups of water in and slowly bring to a gentle boil.  Once this occurs, reduce heat to low and  simmer for around 10 mins.  Strain, keeping the precious liquid.  Add a teaspoon of honey for every 1 cup of the tea.

*As a side note, I use the cooled brew to make a nourishing, healthy jelly or popsicles for summer colds. Yum!

Please feel free to comment and share this recipe with your loved ones. Wishing you warmth and wellness for the winter months ahead.
Olivia xo

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