2016 Reflection

Can you believe Christmas is now over and it’s almost 2017?!  So its time for some reflection.  I want to say a big thank you for showing our small brand so much support.  It really does make a huge impact when you shop consciously from small, quality businesses that are doing good for the world.  And we couldn’t have done it without you, dear customer.
Given that I’m in reflective mode, I thought I’d share some little wins and tokens of gratitude for Green Foot Mama this year.



For many of us, this year has been TOUGH.
Even though some of what we experienced was unpleasant and uncomfortable, we were constantly adapting and without consciously realising it, growing at speed.  As 2016 draws to an end, we are reminded of how far we have journeyed.  Although times may have been tough, we got through. Let us rejoice in that.
 A new chapter is the perfect opportunity to step fearlessly forward from the heart, especially as 2017 is a year for transformations and heightened levels of love.
These next few weeks I invite you to get a head start and do the things you always say you’ll do, so you are prepared in advance for the love, magic and mystery waiting that is patiently for us on the other side of 2016.
If there’s one final thing I would like to say before we get into full swing celebratory mode is that, the new year is yours for the taking.

Conjure up your own kind of magic. It is never too late.

Reflection – your turn

Jot down the answers to the following questions:

  1. What are you passionate about? What do you want to cultivate more of in your life?
  2. What is going right in your life? What seems to be working well?
  3. What is not going right and where can you make some positive changes?
Take a moment of meditation before you answer these questions and do a prayer and ritual after you’ve written out your intentions so you can still your mind and set these intentions deep within your heart.
Based on your answers, write a brief paragraph on what you can change in your daily life to make your life more fulfilling. Then make a list to help you create these changes that will lead you to greater fulfillment.
 Remember : Intentions are not goals. Goals put pressure on us and have an external outcome. Intentions align us with our purpose.
Green Foot Mama has lots planned for next year so stay tuned! In the mean time, don’t forget to have a look at our shop, a read of our blog and come and join us on Instagram @greenfootmama
 On that note, have a phenomenal New Year’s and we’ll see you in 2017!

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