January 2018

Back to School Skin Essentials

Australia Day is upon us, so that means it’s time to think about going back to school.

Are you as ready for that as I am? I love the freedom of holidays with long, sunny days spent getting back to nature with the family.  Swimming, picnicking, camping – every day is a new adventure!   But by the end of the holidays I’m starting to struggle to keep my daughter busy and entertained day in and day out…

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Greener Living, Wellness
Foods for Glowing Summer Skin

The 7 Best Foods for Healthy, Glowing Skin This Summer

Dealing with skin problems can be difficult, especially when there are so many products on the market that promise to solve all your worries.  I don’t think it’s any secret that at Green Foot Mama, we believe what you put in your body is as important than what you put on it.  Here’s a tip for any skin issues you may have: try to improve the condition of your skin with what you eat

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