winter skin

Winter Skin – 3 tips to banish seasonal dryness

Winter Skin – 3 tips to banish seasonal dryness

As the temperature drops, your skin is more prone to dryness – due to lower humidity, heavier clothing and indoor heating stripping moisture from your skin.  Here are three tried and tested solutions for reducing dryness, improving moisture and restoring harmony to winter skin.

1.  Drink fluids to replace lost moisture

While its easy to remember to drink water in hot weather, its just as important to remain hydrated in winter.  Dehydration can cause inflammation, redness and loss of collagen, which triggers premature aging.  In addition to drinking water, consider warming herbal teas, soups and broths.  Minimise your intake of caffeine and salt as they contribute to dehydration.

2.  Support winter skin health with healthy oils.

Including oils in your diets is crucial to maintaining the health of your skin. Try adding a spoonful of coconut oil to your next smoothie or chai. Use cold pressed macadamia and olive oils in dressings and cooking.  Add raw or lightly toasted nuts and seeds to baking, on cereal, or scattered over savoury and sweet dishes to support skin from the inside.

3.  Reduce the temperature and duration of your shower or bath.

Its tempting to soak in a long hot bath in the winter months but prolonged exposure to hot water strips your skin of its natural protective oils.  Exfoliate to remove dead skin cells and allow your newer, moist skin cells to surface.  Use only gentle cleansers, avoiding those with soap or alcohol and moisturise within a few minutes of drying off.

Organic Skin

All Green Foot Mama organic moisturising balms deliver rich nourishment and provide a protective barrier to help lock moisture in to your skin.  We recommend using Organic Skin in winter as a full moisturiser for face and body – just massage into skin after an evening shower and allow the goodness to soak into your skin as you sleep.

“I have been addicted to this balm for a couple of years now… It is fabulous and it is used by the entire family. It soothes dry skin, cuts and grazes and is a wonderful moisturiser.  I absolutely love all Greenfootmama’s products and am so pleased I discovered them”  
– Louise S.

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