Creamy Dairy Free Mushroom Soup

Creamy Dairy Free Mushroom Soup Recipe

Although I love the warmer weather – I am always going to be a comfort-food kind of gal.

Years ago I discovered through Ayurvedic medicine that I was a ‘Vata’ type – so warming, light and nourishing meals are my thing.

Early spring is still a wonderful time for soups…and after being inspired by some beautifully bulging swiss browns at my local farmer’s market last week, this soup came a-calling!

Combined with my total obsession for french cuisine and a twist of my Green foot ways, I hope you love my healthier alternative.

Mushrooms are rich in bromine, helping soothe our menopausal and pre-menstrual hormones, and can assist in nurturing depression.

Cashews are a wonderful tonic for our nervous systems, as they are high in magnesium and phosphorus. Cashew nuts make a wonderful alternative to dairy cream, milk or cream cheese. Feel free to use dairy milk as this soup is truly nourishing using either option.

A good quality chicken stock in many cultures, is believed to be both soothing and restoring to our quantum health and physical constitution. I use a broth bubbled gently over 24 hrs using organic roasted chicken bones, which then go into a special compost in the garden.

A vegetable stock made from whatever you have on hand is fine, and a commercial pack would also be fine to use if you are time poor.

Make sure to check your arrowroot ingredients to make sure it is pure arrowroot and not mixed with other starches such as tapioca.

My tarragon leaves are plucked straight from our garden, however dried herbs can be found to be sold loosely so that you can omit the additional packaging if you prefer.

Creamy Dreamy Mushroom Soup Recipe


4 tablespoons ghee (or coconut oil)
1/2 cup roughly chopped onions
4 cups good quality chicken stock
2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons arrowroot – dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water
2 teaspoons sea salt
Pinch white pepper
A nice stalk of fresh tarragon leaves – chopped
3-4 cups swiss brown mushrooms
1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight (4 hours minimum)
1/4 teaspoon fresh tumeric paste (to add some colour)


1. Cook onions slowly in ghee (or coconut oil) for 8 mins until tender without browning. Add 1 cup of the chicken stock and then whisk in the seasonings, tumeric and the tarragon leaves. Add the rest of the chicken stock and gently bring to the boil.
2. While this is happening wash, dry and finely chop the mushrooms. Leave skins on but make sure you double check that there is no grit or dirt left on them.
3. Once the soup base has lightly boiled, reduce heat back to a simmer. Add the mushrooms, stir and let sit for 5 mins or until soft.
4. In a food processor, combine cashews and the 2 cups hot water. Blitz until smooth and a ‘cream’ consistency.
5. Slowly whisk the dissolved arrowroot into the soup. Add the cashew ‘milk’ and continue whisking until combined and blended.
6. Season to taste (if required). If the soup is still a little chunky, remove half and blitz for a seconds and add back into the pot, stirring to blend.

This soup is delicious served with a crusty bread – I will post my recipe for Crusty Spelt loaf shortly.