June 2012

Woman holding vehicle door open looking into the sun

Natural Homemade Deodorant Recipe

For years I tried many brands of natural and eco under arm deodorants.  I struggled to find one that I like, that works, and that isn’t expensive.  This lead me to making my own natural homemade deodorant recipe. Why DIY Deodorant is the Way to Go Free From Harsh Chemicals: Store-bought deodorants are packed with […]

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DIY, Greener Living, Self Care

Zero Waste: 8 Top Compostable Products

We are only a few short months into our Zero Waste journey, and already I have learned so much. I think that the initial ‘Declutter’ process really does help develop a deeper awareness for what we purchase and consume, where they come from and where they will end up. We are nowhere near finishing the

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Greener Living, Wellness, Zero Waste

Zero Waste: The Medicine Chest

My very old and very flimsy cardboard ‘medicine chest’ was in major need of a Zero Waste overhaul. It was overflowing with empty boxes, loose half-opened band-aids, expired pills and new medicines I was prescribed but never actually used. There has been quite alot of media focus on prescription medications, and the over-consumption of modern

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Greener Living, Zero Waste